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My Journey into Purification

So tonight is our 21 Day Purification class/meeting here at Hoyle Chiropractic & Holistic Solutions at 6:30. We will go over the program and sample the shakes. We will be starting our program Monday January 6th. I have decided I will begin my program Saturday January 4th. As I have done this journey many times before and I know, for me, the first 2 days of detox can be tiring and since I work all day Monday the 6th, it is best for me to get those first 2 days behind me while I am at home and can rest properly.

I will be blogging about my experiences through out this 21 days. Feel free to follow along and I hope you will begin your own journaling experience and write down your thoughts and things that come up for you through this process. For me it is a time of internal reflection. As we are purging toxins from the inside out, it seems a perfect time to really go within and be with this healing, detoxifying process. Or Not! How ever you choose to go through this process will be right for you. Just honor your body, and your wisdom. For no one knows your body better than you!

So this week I will begin decreasing my toxic load. I am an avid coffee drinker so I will begin to decrease my coffee intake beginning today. Slowly decrease to just one cup. If you are a soda drinker this is a good time to begin to decrease your consumption each day. For me, I drink only organic coffee. I grind my beans each morning and enjoy my clean, pure coffee in the morning. Because of this I will continue to drink my 1 cup (currently it is realistically more like 4 cups!) each morning during the cleanse. I know a lot of people who have told me they could never give up their coffee. I choose to be "flexible" with this cleanse. If you could do the cleanse with just 1 cup of organic coffee in the morning wouldn't it be better than not doing the cleanse at all? Let's not be too rigid on this cleanse! With that said! Toxic loaded foods and drinks have got to go! No dairy, gluten, sugar, soda, alcohol, processed foods! If we can back off on these items slowly this week our detox side affects on the first 2 days will be lessened!

Join me here as I begin Saturday January 4th my 21 day journey. I will be adding photos of recipes, foods and shake recipes as I go! Follow this blog to get notification of new posts!

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